5 things that will show a diamond is fake

Many dealers are providing Diamonds nowadays. It is recommended that if you have not heard about a Diamond business before and are purchasing from them, you should look for the authenticity of the Diamond.

There are many ways through which you can know whether the Diamond is real or fake. You can perform simple tests that will give you clues about the authenticity and fakeness of the Diamond. It would help if you were sure about the Diamond, you are purchasing because it can cause inconvenience later

5 simple methods through which you can tell if a diamond is real or fake

There are many ways through which you can determine the fakeness of a diamond. We will discuss some of the simple ways to tell if a diamond is real or fake. It can help you a lot when it comes to Buying Diamond for the first time.

1.      Check the thermal conductivity.

Diamond is a very good conductor of heat which is why you can perform a thermal conductivity test. If the Diamond heats up after even providing a little heat, that means the Diamond is real. It is a good conductor because of the electronic structure of the carbon element, as Diamond is considered the hardest carbon on earth.

2.      Rubbing Sandpaper

It is also one of the convenient methods of checking if the Diamond is real or fake. When you rub Sandpaper on the Diamond, it will not lose the authentic structure because Diamond is a very hard substance. However, if you observe any scratching on the Diamond after rubbing Sandpaper, it is obvious that The Diamond is not real, and you should not purchase it at any cost.

3.      Fog test

It is also one of the convenient tests you can perform on the Diamond at the spot. Breathe on the Diamond as you forget the bathroom mirror. If the Diamond is fake, it will fog up for a short period.

However, the authentic Diamond will not undergo that because it will not retain heat. It is one of the greatest signs you can look for to determine the quality of the Diamond. You should always do that whenever you are purchasing Diamond if you want to avoid inconvenience.

4.      Put it direct light

The light test can also be authentic for checking if a diamond is real or fake. It is known that diamond sparkles like Rainbow colors from outside and grey and white color from inside. It happens with a real diamond. If the Diamond is not real, you will see a Rainbow color reflection without having any color inside.

5.      Show it to a gemologist.

It is always effective when you involve a professional in these matters. You can show it to a professional to know if the Diamond is real or fake. It can save you a lot of trouble while purchasing a diamond.


If you want to buy a diamond, it is very important to know whether the Diamond is real or fake. You can determine that by using some of the easy and simple methods.